Individual Holotropic Sessions
A common enquiry is “Do I join a group event or do I book an individual Holotropic session?”
Holotropic Breathwork – With an individual session you get one to one support and holding from the facilitator. There will be some pre-session work to complete. On arrival there will be time for settling in before your session after which there follows an integration session with a mandala and a sharing. To give you an idea of timings you need to allow up to 6 hours for your experience. Everyones journey is different and the duration is similarly so.
With an individual session you are asked to bring a sitter to support your journey. If that is not possible we can arrange an experienced sitter for you.
The fee for an Individual Holotropic Breathwork session is £425 less a discount of £55 if you bring along your own sitter and you also get a light lunch included.
After your experience you might wish to book an online integration/accompaniment session.
If you are thinking that an individual session would benefit you more than a group event, in the first instance please complete and submit the medical history form below. This will form part of our discussion around how we work together.
Holotropic Taster – whilst it is not Holotropic Breathwork, a “Taster” has some similarities. It is a 2 hour experience – a check-in to start, followed by a 25 minute journey and completing with mandala drawing and a sharing. They are a way of helping you decide if you want to commit to a full day or weekend group event. They can also be used as a way of gently introducing yourself to working in Holotropic states particularly if you sense there is alot of material to process. Some people have had very deep experiences by using this method alone. There is no need for a sitter for Holotropic Tasters however you are welcome to bring one along to support your journey.
The fee for an individual Holotropic Taster is £175 and includes refreshments.
If you are thinking that a Holotropic taster would benefit you more than an individual or group event, in the first instance please complete and submit the medical history and registration form below. This will form part of our discussion around working together..
Individual Integration Sessions
Please call 07828 752649 or email: for a time to suit.