Holotropic Sharing Circle

We would like to invite Holotropic Breathers who have attended a breathwork event, either with ourselves or with our colleagues, to a sharing circle – you know what they are.
It is a regular event on the 3rd Monday of each month for 1 hour. The group size will be no more than 10 to allow ample sharing.
Free from many of our usual distractions, we are sure that the lockdown has provided much material for processing, inspiration, wisdom and healing. It certainly has for us!
It may be that you have recently attended a breathwork event and wish to deepen your integration in a safe and supportive space.
It will be by Zoom and you can register here.
There is no fee for this event. However, you are welcome to make a donation.
Caledonian Holotropic’s preferred venue, Cherry Tree Lodge, holds a retreat fund for those who find that finance is a barrier to attending a breathwork event.
If anyone feels moved to make a donation to the fund you can do so here.
We look forward to seeing you again and sharing precious moments.
In service
The Caledonian Holotropic Team