11 March 2023 8am – 8pm – Holotropic Breathwork Day

Join Caledonian Holotropic to surf your inner landscape in holotropic states of consciousness. The vehicle is your body – the technology is Holotropic Breathwork™ – the fuel is your breath. This event will be for a maximum of 4 people.
What is Holotropic Breathwork?
Essentially Holotropic Breathwork enables us to learn, to heal and to create.
It has 3 components:
• Breathing
• Music
• Focussed Energy Release Bodywork
Holotropic Breathwork has supported many people in many different ways on their journey. It can be:
• a powerful method of personal transformation and healing
• an insightful personal enquiry tool to know thyself – light & shadow
• a self-empowering way (because you do the work) to re-integrate fragmented parts of ourselves that may have been split off through guilt, shame, fear anger, sadness over years of conditioning by significant others
• a highly experiential complimentary therapeutic technology to psychotherapy
• used to access ideas and inspiration from the transpersonal realm to improve an individual’s way of being in the world for not only the wounded but for the artist or scientist or student or inventor. The dreamlike images that can be presented in expanded states of consciousness often contain solutions to questions on our minds.
• a deep self-care approach for the healing and helping professional
• an evidenced based tool that can get to the root of and heal addiction and depression
• supportive in the healing of previous emotional or physical trauma; in reducing the symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress; in emotional expression & release and for creative inspiration.
Many people report that Holotropic breathwork has been instrumental in helping them to connect with who and what they truly are and with what their lives are about.
This event is in three parts:
First, a live, on-line, 2 hour introduction to breathwork – the Thursday evening before at 7pm.
This is an important preparation session to build the container and the safety for individuals and the group. It will allow you to go deeper into your experience.
We will be talking about:
- the format and what a session looks like
- what can come up in a session and why
- how you can get the most from your session
- the different roles of breather, sitter and facilitator
- safety, safety, safety
Hopefully you will understand that you will not be able to breathe on the Monday if you do not attend this introductory session. There will be no time to go over it the day with you.
Second, the breathwork day – 8am arrival at the venue
- Breathwork -one session in the morning and one in the afternoon – each participant will breathe once and sit once – a session is about 3 hours.
- Integration – starts with mandala drawing after each breathwork session and continues with a sharing after the second session after a light supper in the evening. We complete at about 8pm.
Third, a 45min Zoom integration circle on 21 March 2023 at 7.30pm
Safety is priority and as part of that participants need to complete a medical form as part of the registration. There also needs to be a commitment to fully attend the whole event.
If you are driving you should consider making arrangements to stay locally after the event.
Your facilitator is:
Mark Baugh +44 (0) 7828 752649 – peace@caledonianholotropic.co.uk
Please feel free to contact me to clarify any queries you may have.
Just 20 mins from Dunfermline and is in a secluded farm setting, surrounded with natural beauty.
If you need additional overnight accommodation please enquire.
Event exchange & bookings:
The exchange is £255 and includes a vegetarian lunch and a light supper – there will be refreshments through the day.
Early bird discount before 11 February 2023 = £25
Bring a friend = £10 each
If finance is a barrier to attending the event please do get in touch – we may be able to offer a payment plan and/or there may be funds available in the Caledonian Holotropic Retreat Fund.
You can register for the event using the link below:
I look forward to holding space for you and “adventuring” with you.